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Feature Filtering


This module filters molecular features that do not fit specified cutoff settings. It has been observed that under certain circumstances, a large part of molecular features can be attributed to instrument noise Samples 2023. Therefore, FERMO allows to filter irrelevant molecular features from the analysis:

  • For a given range of relative signal height/height (0-1.0, relative to the feature with the highest intensity), molecular features that are not inside this range in at least one sample are discarded
  • For a given range of relative signal area (0-1.0, relative to the feature with the highest area), molecular features that are not inside this range in at least one sample are discarded


  • filter_rel_int_range_min: specifies the minimum value of relative intensity to retain in analysis
  • filter_rel_int_range_max: specifies the maximum value of relative intensity to retain in analysis
  • filter_rel_area_range_min: specifies the minimum value of relative area to retain in analysis
  • filter_rel_area_range_max: specifies the maximum value of relative area to retain in analysis