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User Library


This module compares molecular features against a user-provided (targeted) spectral library. The matching algorithm works as follows:

  • For each feature, its MS/MS fragmentation spectrum is matched pairwise with each library spectrum, using one or more different algorithms described below.
  • For the modified cosine algorithm, library matches are only retained if feature and library spectra share a minimum number of matched peaks within a certain fragment tolerance, reach a cutoff score, and are inside a maximum precursor mass difference.
  • For the MS2DeepScore algorithm, library matches are only retained if feature and library spectra reach a certain cutoff score and are inside a maximum precursor mass difference.

Parameters modified cosine

  • fragment_tol: the absolute tolerance for matching two MS/MS fragments, in m/z units.
  • min_nr_matched_peaks: minimum number of fragments that must be matched between two MS/MS fragmentation spectra.
  • score_cutoff: minimum score to consider a match
  • max_precursor_mass_diff: maximum allowed difference between precursor m/z of feature and library m/z.

Parameters ms2deepscore

  • score_cutoff: minimum score to consider a match
  • max_precursor_mass_diff: maximum allowed difference between precursor m/z of feature and library m/z.


  • Spectral library matching is relatively slow (especially using the MS2DeepScore algorithm). Ideally, a targeted spectral library should be provided. For a more general library, see MS2Query annotation.