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The most important element of a fermo_core run is the parameters.json file, which specifies all files and run parameters. This file is also generated in the background if fermo gui is being used.

The parameters.json file follows this json-schema and an example can be found here.

fermo_core automatically checks the user-provided parameters file and fails with an error message if the formatting is incorrect.

Specifications parameters.json

The parameters.json file is separated in three parts:

  • files: references to input files, paths, and locations
  • core_modules: modules that are generally applicable and only require a peaktable and MS/MS information (enabled by default)
  • additional_modules: modules requiring specific input files (disabled by default)

Detailed information on modules and functions of parameters can be found on the Modules pages.

files (mandatory)

Nota bene: If a filetype is not provided, the corresponding parameter entry must be omitted.

peaktable (mandatory)

Key Possible Values Required
filepath (the filepath) True
format mzmine3 True
polarity positive, negative True

msms (optional)

Nota bene: By default, fragment peaks with an intensity lower than 0.01 are removed. To disable filtering, set rel_int_from to 0.0

Key Possible Values Required Default
filepath (the filepath) True N/A
format mgf True N/A
rel_int_from 0.0-1.0 False 0.01

phenotype (optional)

Key Possible Values Required
filepath (the filepath) True
format qualitative, quantitative-percentage, quantitative-concentration True

group_metadata (optional)

Key Possible Values Required
filepath (the filepath) True
format fermo True

spectral_library (optional)

Key Possible Values Required
filepath (the filepath) True
format mgf True

ms2query_results (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
filepath (the filepath) True N/A
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7

as_results (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
directory_path (the directory path) True N/A
similarity_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7

core_modules (optional)

adduct_annotation (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True true
mass_dev_ppm 0-100.0 False 10.0

neutral_loss_annotation (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True true
mass_dev_ppm 0-100.0 False 10.0
nonbiological true, false False false

fragment_annotation (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True true
mass_dev_ppm 0-100.0 False 10.0

spec_sim_networking (optional)

modified_cosine (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True true
msms_min_frag_nr >=1 False 5
fragment_tol >0 False 0.1
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7
max_nr_links >=1 False 10
maximum_runtime >=0 False 0 (unlimited)

ms2deepscore (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True true
msms_min_frag_nr >=1 False 5
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.8
max_nr_links >=1 False 10
maximum_runtime >=0 False 0 (unlimited)

additional_modules (optional)

feature_filtering (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
filter_rel_int_range_min 0.0-1.0 False 0.0
filter_rel_int_range_max 0.0-1.0 False 1.0
filter_rel_area_range_min 0.0-1.0 False 0.0
filter_rel_area_range_max 0.0-1.0 False 1.0

blank_assignment (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
factor >=1 False 10
algorithm mean, median, maximum False mean
value height, area False area

group_factor_assignment (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
algorithm mean, median, maximum False mean
value height, area False area

phenotype_assignment (optional)

qualitative (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
factor >=1 False 10
algorithm minmax, median, mean False minmax
value height, area False area

quantitative-percentage (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
sample_avg mean, median False mean
value area False area
algorithm pearson False pearson
p_val_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.05
coeff_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7

quantitative-concentration (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
sample_avg mean, median False mean
value area False area
algorithm pearson False pearson
p_val_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.05
coeff_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7

spectral_library_matching (optional)

modified_cosine (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
min_nr_matched_peaks >=1 False 5
fragment_tol >0 False 0.1
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7
max_precursor_mass_diff >=1 False 600
maximum_runtime >=0 False 0 (unlimited)

ms2deepscore (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.8
max_precursor_mass_diff >=1 False 600
maximum_runtime >=0 False 0 (unlimited)

as_kcb_matching (optional)

modified_cosine (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
min_nr_matched_peaks >=1 False 5
fragment_tol >0 False 0.1
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.5
max_precursor_mass_diff >=1 False 600
maximum_runtime >=0 False 0 (unlimited)

ms2deepscore (optional)

Key Possible Values Required Default
activate_module true, false True false
score_cutoff 0.0-1.0 False 0.7
max_precursor_mass_diff >=1 False 600
maximum_runtime >=0 False 0 (unlimited)