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Overview fermo_core

FERMO consists of two parts:

  • fermo_gui: the dashboard graphical user interface.
  • fermo_core: the data processing and analysis pipeline (the backend).

This part of the documentation describes fermo_core in more detail.

Who is fermo_core for?

While fermo_core is primarily intended to be the data processing backend of fermo_gui, it can also be used as a command line application.

Nota bene: fermo_core is not very beginner-friendly, and requires some experience with command line tools. For a more user-friendly version, please see fermo_gui.

Why use fermo_core?

As command line application, fermo_core can be used for large scale data analysis, design-of-experiment, and data processing automation. fermo_core does not come with its own data visualization, but the produced files can be either uploaded in the fermo_gui or used in downstream processing tools.